Earlier this year renowned photographer and content creator Peter McKinnon reviewed The Canon EOS R5. He gave a very honest and transparent take on Canon's much anticipated new camera. Peter McKinnon is in fact sponsored by cannon, however he still was able to honestly and in my opinion accurately give both the pros and cons. Anyone considering buying this camera must absolutely read his review before purchasing! It's a must! Here's what Peter had to say...
“Today we're talking about the Canon R5 the highly-anticipated & much-discussed camera, all the buzz is for a very good reason, because this camera delivers. I couldn't be more excited about it now but before we dive into this thing I want you to know, I'm sponsored by Canon I'm an ambassador for the brand and I've been shooting on cannons since I bought my first professional DSLR. I'm not going to be unfair about it, if there are things I don't like about it I'm going to tell you but luckily for this camera it is exceptional and there's not a whole lot of things that I don't like about it. Who remembers a filmmaker by the name of Vincent La foret, he made a film called Breviary back in I'm going to say it was like November 2008 with the 5D Mark II. Now this was one of the first times we had seen cinematic looking footage width depth of field shot on a DSLR. That was a big deal then you had Heavy Hitters like Philip Bloom coming out with Incredible courses on how to use a DSLR as like a filmmaking camera in the right settings and accessories. That will always be a staple in my mind learning from him when I was much younger that was a big deal for Canon I was a huge camera release the 5D Mark II the R5 I feel and I think a lot of people would agree with me the R5 is that big deal of a release now for Canon. Let's talk about why this camera is important, why people are talking about it & where all the buzz is coming from.”
He goes on to describe the build of the camere. Peter says the camera has “a flip-out screen that we've all come to love the body's a little bit thicker than the EOS R, not by a whole lot but that's obviously accounting for the new in-body image stabilization. The joystick is back, and the functionality that a lot of us are used to coming from the DSLR side of things, it makes it faster easier to use & it just feels right. It will make a lot of people happy that it has dual card slots. You got a spot for a CF Express and then you have an SD card slot. It takes the same LP E6 battery that we've all have like a hundred of so that is a mass benefit. Now there are new ones they've got this little sticker on them that's kind of how you're able to differentiate the new ones from the old ones and apparently since the software in the cameras is able to use this battery to just distribute the power in a more efficient way it's not necessary that the battery is bigger and giving you more battery life. The camera and the software now is smarter and it's using these batteries better than the old ones, same Charger that's good for taking a look at the difference in comparison of size to the R5. This R5 is just a little bit thicker so if we look at them both side by side ripped a little bit bigger we put them over on the side this side right here they're really good representation of how much thicker it is most of everything in the same place. I know top-down honestly in my opinion it feels better ergonomically in the body. You got image stabilization the lens those two things working together to get you some super stable footage something people wanted for a long time, it's one of those instances where you're reading the stats online & feel like this can't be true, is this right because this does 8K raw C log with autofocus 4K 120? yep I mean more even looking at all the modes on this camera as far as how they are represented within the menu cannons menus have always been good with a DUI within how to get to different frame rates and resolutions has been improved even more now. They just broken it down into three menu options basically it's very clearly broken down here which makes it a breeze to just go boop boop boop and you know exactly what you're going to go over to the other menu hit high-frame-rate enable that's going to go into 4K 120 photographers 45 megapixels right I've been shooting on 20 megapixel 1dx Mark II for like a good quarter.”
Peter goes on to say ”I love the shutter sound and click of this camera, that's a big thing. Shutter sound can actually be an issue, Wildlife photography for example if you're someone at the camping out here waiting for a hummingbird or favorite animal gone with this you're not even sure if you shot the frame It's So Silent so that is amazing. You're streaming live events, weddings any type of thing where people are talking in the focus is not on you ,it's on something else and you're needing to photograph that without being a distraction. amazing frames-per-second why's this thing is fast during to get 12 frames per second mechanical going to get 20 frames per second when you're in live view so it rips in Live View mode 123 see the border right there see that white frame just freaking that's how fast it's shooting those 130 photos I just snapped you heard nothing that's got to be one of my favorite new features because I use that on the 1dx Mark III constantly you're dropping something in a tank of water you're shooting John Hill do a fakie 360 Flip nosegrind into a kickflip manual and Shove It Out switch you want to capture these moments without having to worry about like did I get it in frame 20 frames per second if you didn't get it in frame there's a whole different issue so let's talk about my experience using SR5 since you clearly had it for quite some time now tell me what it's like I know the specs I see them I read them all those things how is the camera dude how is it I'll start by saying I got this camera like in the thick of the lockdown I didn't get a chance to use it as much as I wanted to because Parks foreclosed trailers were closed no one was going outside so a lot of the use that I got from the r v at the beginning for like the bulk of the time that I had it in my possession was stopped at home photographing the Pats photograph in the kids doing things like that around the house things that you do when you first get a camera at home and you open the box and it felt so good to shoot 120 frames per second again used it all the time on the 1dx Mark II got used to shooting 60p on the EOS R but it was really good to shoot in 120 again and remember how good it looks and how good books in 4k insane now the version I have is a prototype version it's not a finished production version that's why it has the words sample on it and this is what I've had for a few months so if there were three quirks & Things to it that I think will be ironed out when they watch version comes in a result of a couple things that I was unsure of example if you're shooting a lot of 4K 120 sometimes the camera starts to overheat and gives you that overheat warning just so that the things inside don't melt it doesn't get destroyed when you think of a cinema series camera Legacy 500 and up those all have huge fans built into them but we're talking to mirrorless camera here this is this is very small this little thing doesn't have to Giant fans cooling it down the entire time so it gets hot of course the more shooting at you do you're going to have to wait so it makes sense to me that it overheats based off those settings for shooting at for me though that is one of the downsides I understand having to wait for the camera to cool down I don't want to wait I just want to keep shooting I don't think there is there Zacks if you shoot this much you have to wait this long because all it's going to depend on different conditions are you shooting in the jungle where it's super hot and humid and all you're doing is 8 K in 4k 120 are you shooting in the Arctic where it's the complete opposite are you not shooting much 4K 120 maybe just a few Clips here in there you're never going to have an issue so it all depends on the project the place the conditions it's entirely situational but it is one of those things that you're going to have to keep in mind when you're shooting just in case I don't think we'll be anything drastic things are really worried about it just makes sense to protect the camera from the insides of the whole thing doesn't melt because let's be honest this tiny little package right here is shooting 8K Rah which is incredible for a little mirrorless camera matter it looks like we're shooting on a cinema camera it looks that good but we were just incredibly impressed and inspired having that kind of quality in a tiny body like this + getting that dual pixel autofocus being able to do all of those types of things that we typically want to shoot that having to worry about pulling Focus like you do you want to send the camera angle to have that 8K feature at 4K 120 in lock mode while still taking advantage of the Dual pixel autofocus system that's that is huge that's a massive that opened up so many doors you basically don't even need a gimbal when you're using this camera obviously. Their place depending on the types of move two types of shots do you want to do but for the most part I always try to get away without having to use one without having to bring one an extreme example of that is a few weeks ago I side of a RZR side-by-side with a Pro driver up north like 130 140 down this crazy dirt road and drift in Corners in I was just hand holding this with one hand cuz the other was holding on for life and I was trying to Vlog that whole thing with the ibis with the end of stabilisation I mean if it looks fantastic and that's not even in slow motion I don't even bring a gimbal when you travel or any of those things it's it's just so good to talk about the price you're looking at for the body only 52 99 now that's Canadian dollars that's important to say your watch this anywhere else do the math look it up. That is a good price to get a camera that packs is much punch as a cinema camera in a lot of instances in a package this small think about travel think about portability you can take this anywhere this flies under the radar this doesn't look like you're shooting professional-looking 8K Rob footage you get a big Cinema Camera you go in somewhere sorry whatever you guys are doing in here it's not allow its to school project know it's not a school project this is going to get into those places this thing is portable it's small it's inconspicuous a camera that silver $5,000 is not a cheap camera by any means that's a lot of money given that I think it's warranted based off what you're getting inside this if that's out of your wheelhouse don't be worried there's another option for you that's the new R6 camera if you want to learn more about this and the cost and all the features and things compared to the R5 you can watch this video right here so the fact that I can shoot a vlog in 4k at 10 bit 422 internal the amount of information that this camera is recording it looks like I'm editing cinema camera footage that's because this camera packs so much inside people acid will you be switching to the R5 and yes I'll be switching to this camera this would be my new main driver daily driver travel camera from fogging from making short films I'm going to shooting on this because it packed so much in such a small footprint and there's so many things in here that I've been waiting for for the camera 4 years well done guys seriously well done for bathroom odors that linger try Febreze small spaces just press firmly and it continuously eliminates odors in the air and on soft surfaces for 45 days all right guys to that is it for me that's your first look at the Canon EOS r v from someone that's been using it for a few weeks and had Hands-On for a few months now I hope you got something out of that I hope that was a good representation of the camera you got to see some of the specs you get to see some of the footage used what it looks like what it looks like uploaded to YouTube after it's been compressed all those things I hope it was helpful and I hope mostly that you enjoyed the thanks for sticking around!”
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